Wednesday, 17 July 2024 17:02

Vusal Shikhaliyev meets with Caspian Energy Club members

Caspian Energy Club has held a regular B2G Forum with the participation of Vusal Shikhaliyev, Head of the Sector at the Department of Economic Policy and Industrial Issues of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Head of the Commission on Business Environment and International Rankings. This was said by Telman Aliyev, Caspian Energy Club Chairman and Group CEO. 

The B2G Forum was held with the presence of top managers and representatives of a number of public and private companies operating in the oil and non-oil sectors.

During the welcoming speech, the event’s honorable guest Vusal Shikhaliyev expressed his gratitude to Caspian Energy Club and said that he would continue making all efforts to develop cooperation with the Club members.

At the B2G forum, Vusal Shikhaliyev made a presentation about ‘priorities on further improvement of business environment, and on cooperation with the private sector’ was of great interest to the event participants and had the interactive exchange of views.

According to Vusal Shikhaliyev, the Commission on Business Environment and International Rankings created by the Azerbaijan Republic President’s order dated July 13, 2016, is making important contribution to speeding up of business environment reforms via the management model based on efficient coordination, continuous cooperation and inclusiveness.  

The ‘economic reforms management model’ which is implemented in Azerbaijan under the leadership of Mr. Ilham Aliyev was accepted as exemplary innovative experience by OECD’s (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), Vusal Shikhaliyev said.

Vusal Shikhaliyev highlighted a number of economic initiatives which were put forward by the Commission in 2023-2024. Meanwhile, he also spoke about developed blueprints for reforms worked out and suggested by the Commission within the same period.

“During this period, the Commission, under the supervision of relevant government agencies, has prepared more than 35 draft legal acts, accepted important legislative documents meant to improve the business environment, launched new e-services and platforms, and expanded the range of application of e-systems”, Vusal Shikhaliyev said.

Speaking about this year’s priorities, Vusal Shikhaliyev emphasized projects on extension of digital public services for business-startups, development and adoption of ‘green’ buildings and ‘green construction’-related norms and standards, creation of the initial system for e-registration of real estate, reduction of procedures, time and costs for joining the water network and introduction of the ‘single window’ system, increase of the digitalization level in the public employment services, and ‘green’ funding.

“Besides, the Digital Management Platform will stimulate further acceleration of introduction of new economic initiatives. An electronic engagement in legislative initiatives, electronic submission of suggestions and projects for a discussion at working groups’ meetings, establishment of interactive communication with working groups, advance reception of detailed information about new initiatives and projects in business sectors, and other projects are noteworthy among our major expectations from this platform”, Vusal Shikhaliyev said.

The following presentations ‘Commission on Business Environment and International Rankings’ and ‘The latest economic reforms implemented during 2023-2024’ were also made at the B2G Forum.

Then, the World Bank’s ‘Business Ready’ report was presented by Elvira Sirajzada, Senior Adviser of the Division for economic reforms monitoring, coordination and evaluation, the Azerbaijan Republic Presidential Administration’s Economic Policy and Industrial Issues Department.

Topics about running the “Digital Management Platform, its functional tools and control system, about E-Information System, and latest innovations introduced in the Commission’s internet portal were broadly covered at the Q&A session. The participants got answers to questions that were of interest to them, their problems were heard and views on mentioned topics were exchanged. 

At the end of the event, Telman Aliyev thanked Vusal Shikhaliyev for engaging in the event and conducting an open dialogue with the event guests. Vusal Shikhaliyev was presented Caspian Energy Club’s gratitude certificate. At the same time, the Club’s new members were also presented membership certificates.

Read 375 times Last modified on Wednesday, 17 July 2024 13:49